Oh hey there,

Momma bear.

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I’m happy you’re here!

Pop the bubbly, you just took the first step towards your family’s health journey!

I’m Brooklynn,

Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ + Environmental Toxins Expert. 

I help moms (like you!) nourish their children with healthier alternatives, less stress and safer swaps. It’s my mission to help you create a safe environment with more nutrition and less toxins so your child can thrive!


Purely Healthy Family….

A 4 week step by step guide to decode food labels and nourish your family so they can THRIVE.

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Group Programs and More


You’re just minding your own business, surfing the net... when it hits you.....

Up to 90% of cancers are preventable through diet, lifestyle and environment.*

But you thought genetic factors determined disease and illness?!? So did I….

You set down your favourite - skinny, sugar free latte and start to think... How does this taste sweet with no sugar? Is this too good to be true? You start to wonder, are those soy, coconut or almond milk substitutes better than dairy or are they laced with chemicals and toxins contributing to your fatigue, weight gain and brain fog?


And then…

You look around your home and remember that “extra berry” foamed bubble bath you poured your kids, those lemony “fresh” cleaning supplies you used and better yet, those “pure” and “natural” foods you consume on the daily.

As if it isn’t hard enough as a mom to raise perfect little beings, you now know the power of your daily diet, lifestyle and environment.



Gain knowledge and power towards your own health.


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